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Personal Projects

Extract of projects in development

On this page we have a collection of projects that are looking for funding or are currently in development as either short or long form content including series ideas and short films.


Day Dreamer

This short film concept follows Lina as she tries to give her creative energy to those around her in a colourless world. Whilst doing so she looses her own creative spark and must go on a journey to get it back.


This subject showcases how good things can come from inspiring others as long as you take care of your own creative spark. 

The Body in the Woods

This series/short idea is based on a range of research into mystery stories that have been left unsolved. From this research the body in the woods was formed as it follows a sly wolf and mocking bird on a dangerous night.


Charity and Awareness Projects

Sometimes the best stories to tell are the real ones. Here are short extract of two films in the back burner that looks into Environmental issues/ Youth protests as well as Multiple Sclerosis which is a lifelong condition that affects the individuals brain and nerves living most with limited mobility.

GLUG live briefs.

During the summer of 2019, Anayis collaborated with GLUG on their live briefs which allowed creatives to work on different promotional projects such as designs for House of Can as well as part taking in #protestbydesign, creating protest posters for global audiences to use or get inspired by for their local climate protests.


Theatre Work

In the past, Anayis has been part of her local theatre group taking part in workshops, prop building, theatre crew as well as acting. During this time she created short scripts which she and her classmates have acted out in showcase events. 


Her last performance was with Questor's Theatre graduate year of 2017 with "Fangirl's Guide to Writing". She is currently drafting a new 60 minute plays as well as launching "Roommates" short comedy in the near future.


She has also adapted these skills for the screen in her animation as well as for web comics and independent projects. 
